It is high time that Information security should be on top of your agenda as you start of this brand-new year. Businesses should be able to protect and safeguard all information regardless of the form it takes. The data that your business can include, is actually not just limited to consumer data but includes a whole range of documentation from client details, financial information, addresses contained with HR records and much more. It is always good to protect your data, no matter if it is confidential or not.

In recent years, a serious of high-profile companies have been facing issues related to cyber-attacks, out of which the tech giant Yahoo stands the most leading one. Yahoo has faced two separate data breaches over the last 5 years. Data breaches are not only the work of malicious cybercriminals and could also be the result of some human errors. So regardless of whether the data breaches are accidental or intentional, they should definitely be taken up seriously.

Azure Information Protection – Your Best Solution For Information protection!  

Azure Information Protection is a cloud-based solution that allows you to protect your documents and emails via classifying and assigning and applying unique labels. These labels can be assigned in any of these ways: can be applied automatically by an administrator who applies the rules and conditions to be followed, can be done manually by users or by a combination where the users are given certain recommendations.

How Is Your Data Being Protected?  

The protection technology uses Azure Rights Management (Azure RMS), this technology is often integrated with other Microsoft cloud services and applications, which include Office 365 and Azure Active Directory. Irrespective of whether these applications and solutions are on-premise or cloud, these can be used with your own line of business applications and information protection solutions.

This protection technology basically uses techniques like encryption, identity and authorization policies. The protection that is applied with Rights Management always stays with the documents and emails, regardless of your location like inside or outside the organization, file servers, applications or networks. In this way, even when you share your data with other people your data, you will have complete control of your data with this type of Information Protection solution.

Classifying and Protecting Existing Documents  

All documents and emails will be labelled at the time of their creation itself. You might also have many other existing documents in your data stores, that you would like to classify and protect. These data stores could be on-premise or cloud.

For you on-premise data stores, you have the option to choose Azure Information Protection Scanner to discover, classify and protect documents on files, folder, share point servers or libraries. This scanner will be running as a service on your Windows server. You will be able to use the same rules to detect sensitive information and apply labels to documents, or you also have the option to apply a default label to all documents in the data repository without actually inspecting the file contents.

How Does Azure Improve Your Data Security?  

1) Azure’s secure foundation: 

Microsoft actually invests more than a billion dollars on cybersecurity including the Azure platform, so that businesses can make the best use out of it. You also have the potential to make the best use of 3500 dedicated cybersecurity professionals working in the Cyber Defense Operation Center & digital crime unit who are working together to detect, protect and respond to real-world threats. When it comes to physical security, Azure has hundreds of data centers spread across 50 regions. They have extensive multi-layered protections to ensure there is no unauthorized access to customer data. People often choose Azure again because of the secure foundation it provides.

2) Azure’s Built-In Security Controls:  

Security is always the responsibility that the team takes up along with Microsoft. Whenever you put your data on Azure, it is always recommended to follow best security practices. For faster protection across data, network and identity Azure has built-in security controls, to help you get protected faster.

2.1) Manage Identity & Access:  

To manage your access across all cloud services like Azure, Office 365, and hundreds of popular SaaS and PaaS cloud services as well as on-premises, the central system for management is the Azure Active Directory. This directory has also been referred to as the most used directory service in the world.

2.2.) Secure Your Network:  

You can build and maintain a secure network through Azure Virtual Networks (VNet). You will be able to extend your on-premises network to the cloud, using a secure site-to-site VPN or a dedicated Azure Express Route Connection.

3) Azure’s Unique Intelligence: 

We are living in a world of evolving threats, and the size of the threat dataset is also getting large and constantly changing as well. The only way to stay active and keep in pace with these threats is to leverage collective intelligence. Microsoft Intelligence Security Graph helps to bring all signals from entire Microsoft products, which are used at a massive scale, to provide the intelligence to protect your system from any such cyber threats.

In short, the advantages that Azure Information Protection offers you with are classifying your data based on sensitivity, protecting your data at all times, adding on more visibility and control, collaborating more securely with others, reliability, ease of use, deployment and management flexibility. So, think information protection & choose Azure!.

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